Every process that can be done by a machine should not be done by human.

Agreements & Forms
Complete Your Agreements and Forms Online
The online agreements and forms are designed to make your everyday business easier.
No integration needed - automatically synced with our CRM and accessible anytime.

The eSignature Solution Built For Real Estate
Buying a house is complicated. Signing a contract shouldn’t be.
Grow’s industry-leading eSignature tools makes it easier for everyone.
Take action on agreement terms after signing. Update records or trigger actions in our systems, such as collect payments, update to the team, booking the final inspection and so on.
Trust Account
Sales Trust and Transaction Management
Manage your sales trust account with ease. Our professional trust account tools allows you to automate: end-of-month processes, electronic banking, sales advice invoices, refunds and so much more. All built into our system and syncs with our CRM.

Hang up the phone. Take pre-settlement inspections online. Focus on what matters.
Grow’s calendar tool allows access to availability and extra time slots. You can control how customers book available time slots. Allow your customers to schedule individual slots or allow multiple people to schedule the same slot.
Quick & Easy Electronic Payment
No more checking with the trust account. Ability to pay deposit efficiently through our multiple electronic payment methods using a credit card, or direct debit. Grow sends a notification to let everyone know when the deposit has been paid or if the deposit is late.